Direct your callers using your own personal Auto Attendant. Easy to configure.
The use of this feature is absolutely unlimited, and you can set up as many Virtual Receptionists, attendants or sub-attendants as you need to create a robust phone menu system.
Last minute emergency or unable to get into the office? Updating your Virtual Receptionist is easy from anywhere. Simply log into your Admin Portal to make changes, or employ a Manual Schedule Override to ensure your callers get to the right place. By setting an end date and time, your Virtual Receptionist will return to normal when you need it to.
How It Works
When someone calls your business, they are presented with a variety of options that allow them to reach specific departments. They can dial by name, dial by extensions, or even use a company directory. The caller then makes a selection and is routed through to the extension of their choice. Set-up options are completely up to you.
UCMM Communication Business & Development
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Contact information
Address:North Parramatta NSW 2151 Australia
Mail Us:
Phone: +61 02 9890 9788
Fax: +61 02 9890 8947
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