Standard Features and Functionality of all VoIP Bundles & Plans
Inbound Calls
Simultaneous Ring / One number: Receive call to up to five phones all ring simultaneously, or by a variety of business rules
Call Forwarding or trunking: Setup calls to forward when you are on the phone or if you do not answer
Do Not Disturb: Automatically forward calls to voicemail or play busy tone if you do not wish to be disturbed
Call Waiting: Choose whether to answer another call if you are already on the phone
Call Rejection Options: Choose whether to accept calls from Anonymous callers and specify your own list of blacklisted numbers
Call Screening Options: Choose whether to screen all or just anonymous incoming calls
Voicemail Service: Set your Voicemail PIN number and select whether to disable the service
Auto Attendant: Create your own auto attendant prompts for callers
Directed or Group Call Pickup: Pickup an incoming call to another phone on your account
Call Return: Dial *69 to dial the last number that called you. Select your confirmation options here
Advanced Features
Call Recording: Setup your call recording options for all your inbound and outbound calls are automatically recorded or not
Conferencing: Use your UCMM number and create a room to talk with others at the same timeCaller Tunes & Hold Music: Upload your own MP3's to replace ringing when people call you and setup your own music on hold
Auto Topup & Notifications: Automatically topup your account and change acount balance and call duration notification thresholds when making calls
Personal Information: Change your personal details including the name and caller ID displayed when making calls.UCMM Communication Business & Development
If you have any enquery, please filling out this form send to us. Our staff will reply to you as soon as possible !
Contact information
Address:North Parramatta NSW 2151 Australia
Mail Us:
Phone: +61 02 9890 9788
Fax: +61 02 9890 8947
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