UCMM Comunication | VoIP around Australia | Hosted PBX | Phone Services in Australia

VoIP Connection


With Voicemail to Email, all voicemails become accessible at any time.

One of the best ways to ensure that a caller always makes contact is to have a voicemail service. Tradition voicemail services require you to dial-in to a central number to retrieve your messages but our service is different. Voicemail to email messages are recorded and emailed to you as an audio attachment so you can save them or forward them onto another team member.
Now you’ll get your office phone voicemail to email messages even if you are out and especially if you receive your emails on your mobile phone.
Like our Auto Attendant feature you don’t need a small business phone system to take advantage of this service.

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If you have any enquery, please filling out this form send to us. Our staff will reply to you as soon as possible !

Contact information

  • Address:North Parramatta NSW 2151 Australia

  • Mail Us: info@ucmm.com.au

  • Phone: +61 02 9890 9788

  • Fax: +61 02 9890 8947

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